Friday, 11 July 2014




Even this movie suits the tag line 'Human Extinction'. We have already seen in the previous installment how the apes have shouldered humans and proven themselves not less intelligent and vigilant. This time they have got even more to prove and conquer.

(Spoilers ahead) (Skip this paragraph for spoiler free review.)

There is a small flaw at the beginning where the montage of news reports shows the human race reaching an end due to the spread of ALZ-113 Virus, now when the human race is aging to a death, then how come the news channel or say the montage piece shown is still on? Anyways so, after 10 years Caesar leads the army of apes. Caesar has transformed into a more sensible wisdom ape, who makes the decisions in order to protect their race. In the wake of that virus few human beings take shelter at San-Francisco and are  ready to take over the dam for the hydro-electric power to re-light San-Francisco. But, they also realize the dam is located in the hearts of the apes residency. Malcom  leading the human army with his family and Dreyfus (Gary Oldman) now approaches Caesar for the understanding. The tension mounts on the both civilization with an edge of tension on the apes side as trusting humans can bring inevitable consequences, but they have to reach a point. Caesar agrees with Gandhi’s Non-Violence theme and agrees for the settlement. Now we all know the settlement can never win you the battle in the movies, so Dreyfus stings the news that apes are responsible for the simian virus spread and are the reason behind the human race extinction. This news is brought to Caesar by Kolba who is an anti-human mentality and thus the war begins.

Motion poster Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes

Talking about the performance, the show stealer in the last installment was Caesar (Andy Serkis) even this time he makes you love him with the mark of wisdom and the look of a early man. The director and the cinematographer have done a stellar job, and prove that this is the 'Dawn'. He is sure to bag awards for his role. So, watch to find out, will Caesar be able to protect his loyal army?

The director and also the script writer deserves the appreciation for such a wonderful creation of tension between the two parties that leads to Fight, Settlement, Fight, Rescue. A  Marvellous creation of the blend of all the sequences.

Final Word: This Dawn will keep you at the edge of your seats. The blockbuster movie with an amazing action and story. This ticket is going to be a ‘Big Ticket.’ 

Rating: 8.8/10

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